
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

This story is curious of one man’s life. When he was born, he was 80 years old.The doctor said as soon as he will be died. But he didn't die and he have been growing become young, so it was opposite to a general people.
One day he had met a young girl when he was about 60 years old. It was a fateful encounter. An outline of this story is their life from their meet to leave within their anguish. I was gave a impression after finished. I had felt this movie’s impression like other movie. The title is “Notebook”. Japanese title is “Kiminiyomu monogatari”
Maybe I think this movie will get Academy Award…..Best picture award or best actor award. I’m looking forward to that day.☆5.0

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

私も観たよー。 なんだか帰宅してお風呂に入り湯船で考え、布団に入りまた考え、、頭が重く眠れなくなるような映画だった。 

scarecrow さんのコメント...
